Tuesday 24 May 2011

Exercise: Colours into tones in black-and-white

These six photographs include:
  • an original,
  • a black and white with no filter,
  • a yellow filter
  • a red filter
  • a blue filter and
  • a green filter.
The photographs were taken on a 18% grey card and set the white balance using the white balance tool in Adobe Bridge prior to openeing in Photoshop and applying the various filters in adjustments/black and white.

The original image c=was taken at Av f/6.3, Ts 1/13s, ISO 200canon 50mm lens


No filter (default)

Blue filter

Green filter

Red filter

Yellow filter

Sunday 22 May 2011

Black and White using Photoshop effects / actions

Below are a series of Black and White photographs which have been processed in Adobe Photoshop creating differing types of black and white effects.

The first is a channel mix effect using a red channel value of 60 and green value of 40.

Photoshop Black and White R60 G40
The second is a channel mix effect using a red channel value of 94 and green 16 and blue 8.

Photoshop Black and White R94 G16 B8
The third used Adobe Photoshop adjustment "desaturate".

The forth uses an action creating a Lith colour mix effect.

Photoshop Lith colour mix
The fifth uses an action creating an Olive Lith effect.

Photoshop Olive Lith colour
The sixth uses an action creating sepia effect.

Photoshop Sepia

Sunday 24 April 2011

Exercise: Colour relationships

In the first part of this exercise I took a series of photographs as close as possible in proportion to the ideal indicated in the student notes, which would be:
  • Red : green  at 1 : 1
  • Orange : blue at 1 : 2
  • Yellow : violet at 1 : 3
Red and Green
Orange and blue

Here I have brought together a group of images which feature colour combinations which appealed to me.

Exercise: Primary and secondary colours

For this exercise I took a set of photographs each of which is dominated by one of the primary and secondary colours:
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • Violet
  • Yellow
  • Orange
In each set, I took one image at a half stop brighter and another a half stop darker with the third at the meter reading indicated by the camera.

As per the request I chose the exposure which I thought most closely resembled the colour wheel and placed a small wheel below it.


Sunday 20 March 2011

Project: Building a library of colours

Standard 6 colour wheel

Project: What makes colour

Exercise: Control of the strength of a colour

Here are a sequence of photographs taken of a door at the same shutter speed of 1/125, ISO 100 with the lens set at 100mm.

After taking the series of images you can see that as the aperture setting decreases  the image, from f/2.8 to f/5.6 the colour saturation increases with the brightness decreasing.

The full images contained in the above PDF are reproduced below...

Part Three: Colour