Sunday 22 May 2011

Black and White using Photoshop effects / actions

Below are a series of Black and White photographs which have been processed in Adobe Photoshop creating differing types of black and white effects.

The first is a channel mix effect using a red channel value of 60 and green value of 40.

Photoshop Black and White R60 G40
The second is a channel mix effect using a red channel value of 94 and green 16 and blue 8.

Photoshop Black and White R94 G16 B8
The third used Adobe Photoshop adjustment "desaturate".

The forth uses an action creating a Lith colour mix effect.

Photoshop Lith colour mix
The fifth uses an action creating an Olive Lith effect.

Photoshop Olive Lith colour
The sixth uses an action creating sepia effect.

Photoshop Sepia

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