Sunday, 5 December 2010

Assignment 1: Contrasts

In this assignment we took 17 photographs, grouping 16 of them in 8 pairs, marked with the contrasts I aimed to demonstrate.  The first image below is the 17th photograph that demonstrates black and white in one image.  I attempted to not only demonstrate contrasts but tried to keep both sides of the contrast relevant to each other.  Most of the images were taken at the location of other shoots used in other exercises.

Contrast demonstrating Black and White in one image

Contrast demonstrating Black
Contrast demonstrating White

The next two images demonstrate the contrast of Black and white. I think that basis of chess is one player is always white and the other is always black.

All three images were taken using a 50mm lens on a 18% grey cloth, lit by flash.

Contrast demonstrating Narrow
The next two images demonstrates the contrast of narrow and broad.  The lane between the houses is 
accentuated by the houses on either side.  Again with the road on the Fenwick Moor, the open moorland on either side of the road re-enforces its broadness.
Contrast demonstrating Broad

The following two images demonstrate the contrast of liquid and solid. The water is an image of the James Hamilton Heritage Park pond which is surrounded by the rocks seen in the second image.  I felt that this portrayed the liquid being harnessed by the granite rocks.

Contrast demonstrating Liquid

Contrast demonstrating Solid

The next two photographs were taken to demonstrate pointed and blunt.  I took it that using these two kitchen utensils you cannot get more pointed than a knife and no more blunt than the tenderiser.

Contrast demonstrating Pointed

Contrast demonstrating Blunt
The next two images demonstrate the contrast of Diagonal and Rounded.  The first image (diagonal) was taken within the James Hamilton Heritage Park where several other photographs were taken and felt that it fitted the criteria of this exercise.  The second was taken within East Kilbride, again at the site of another photo shoot. 

Contrast demonstrating Diagonal

Contrast demonstrating Rounded

The following two images were taken to demonstrate the contrasts of Continuous and Intermittent. 

Contrast demonstrating Intermittent

Contrast demonstrating Continuous
The following two images demonstrate the the contrasts of New and Old. The first image of the "New" house is highlighted by the lack of any mature plants, trees or bushes as opposed to the "Old" house which is surrounded by mature plants.

Contrast demonstrating New

Contrast demonstrating Old

The following images demonstrate the contrasts of Straight and Curved and again I have attempted to demonstrate this contrast using th same medium, the road.

Contrast demonstrating Curves

Contrast demonstrating Straight

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